Free template library
Choose a ready-made template for yourself from the free library or find inspiration
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Send us a request to prepare a design for your company from a selected template or individual design.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If you do not know the answer to your question, please contact us
Yes of all the templates presented in the library on the product page as well as in the library in the application any customer can use without restrictions.
Yes everyone has the right to customize a selected design or several for their company, we do not impose any restrictions on the use of graphics provided in the library.
You can ask someone who codes in html such as an external web designer or programmer. The e-mail signature in the library are already coded in html so any modifications will require not much work. If you don't have anyone like this on hand you can turn to us we will be happy to help you customize the project according to your requirements. You can use the contact form for this
Yes, we prepare individual projects for many clients. Send us your current project or guidelines using this form and we will prepare a quote for you. Remember that with us you always get coding to html already in the price of the project. Projects for the whole start from 300 PLN net.
Preparation of a customized template by a designer and in fact 2-3 alternatives takes up to 5 working days then within 2 working days it is coded to html. Finaly within a week you receive your finished signature. If you are interested contact us through this form
Do you need an individual template? Order it from us
Do you need an individual email signature template for your company or selected department? You have come to the right place, our team of graphic designers will prepare a suitable creation for you and our coders will prepare its HTML code. Order a project for yourself. Prices from 80 USD net per project.