Update employee data from a CSV file
The system supports the efficient updating of missing employee data through the option of downloading a report on the current state of the database, then by completing it and re-importing it in the same format, we get an updated employee database for use in signatures.
Download the report” we get the entire file of employees in the form of a CSV file, it contains, in addition to the main addresses, also a list of aliases used.
We recommend working with the downloaded file, e.g., through Google Sheets, and saving it again in the same format (.csv) to speed up the work of importing and updating employee data. The file automatically includes all necessary columns also those given as additional data fields in Settings - Employee data.
The layout of the downloaded report complies with the requirements of the gSiganture application. If you already have a completed report file then import it into the system through the CSV import function (Open Import Wizard). At the import stage, we can decide whether to automatically update the data and install it in the signatures (automatic reinstallation of e-mail signatures in those who already have implemented signatures) or just save the data in the application in the employee files.
Note: All fields that are editable in the application on the employee's file can be edited in the file. Based on the CSV file, you cannot edit the name, email address and status excluded from the e-mail signatures.
"Open the import wizard" - allows you to import employee data yourself, directly into the gSignature application from a CSV file.

Once the data is imported, the updates will automatically appear in the individual employee's file under the “Employees” tab.
“Sync Google” - This option is used when we want to manually sync data from Google Workspace to gSignature, e.g. at the very beginning of using the system to download employee data from Google Workspace immediately after integration.
If in the Settings in the “Advanced” tab we have the option “Overwrite data by Google sync” checked, then when downloading by “Google Sync” the data in the employee files will be overwritten with new data, if any appeared in Google Workspace. https://app.gsignature.com/settings/advanced
Remember: It is not possible to set a default status in email signature templates if there is no Google sync, to prevent the signatures for all addresses from being mistakenly added during the first sync with Google.

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