Changing the profile picture

It is possible for employees to upload a profile photo themselves. The application allows users to crop and remove the background from the photo or change the background of the profile photo. In the “My Account” tab, users can select one of the predefined color options (transparent, black, white or original) or enter a custom HEX code for a personalized background. Administrators on the “Employee Card” also have access to this feature. The photo change is confirmed with the “Save new avatar” button. It will automatically reload and install the current version of the Gmail signature.
If the user does not have a profile picture, the variable ${userThumbnail} will not display the avatar or photo symbol (for example, in Outlook). The gSignature system automatically guards this to preserve the signature layout. In this case, the Profile Photo will not display and the rest of the signature will automatically move in its place.
If we want to approve all changes in the e-mail signature, for example, after editing the data, we press the button "Save and install."
From the "My Account" tab - employees can add their own links with a title and URL. The title can be formatted in HTML. To present it, the administrator should put ${userLinks} in the template.
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